Alex’s Top Picks
Best From The Past Week: Batman: Gates of Gotham #2 – Detective work and an overarching sense of mythos and history that serves to enhance the story and provide atmosphere without overwhelming the reader makes for an awesome read. Really fun artwork makes it an even more awesome read.
Most Anticipated: Scalped #50 – Though it doesn’t get as much press as it should, make no mistake, issue after issue, Scalped is continually among the best of the month. If you at all enjoy Jason Aaron’s other work, you need to be reading this; it’s the man’s best work by far.And here we are, at 50 issues. Not at all shabby for a creator-owned Vertigo series. I’m really interested to see what Aaron has in store for us in this sure to be special, landmark issue.
Other Picks: Detective Comics #878, THUNDER Agents #8, American Vampire #16, Amazing Spider-Man #664, FF #5, Venom #4
Dean’s Top Picks
Best From The Past Week: 2000 AD June “Pack” Progs 1732 – 1735 – This is kinda a weird pick because it isn’t one comic…’s four. I just started reading 2000 AD for the first time and really enjoyed my first exposure. If you aren’t familiar, 2000 AD is a weekly anthology comic that has been published in England since 1977, so the numbers get high really fast. Here in the United States, we get them in monthly “packs” of 4 issues at once although they are going to weekly publication in the US in August I believe. I can’t tell you how satisfying these were to read. Even though I was picking up in the middle of an anthology series and many stories were 3-4 episodes into a tale, they had just enough exposition that I knew basically what was going on. Bravo! Really strong art too! Why can’t American comics be more like this?
Most Anticipated: American Vampire #16 – Good Lord is this a packed week. As I stared at my pull list about the only thing I was sure of was that X-Men: Prelude to Schism #4 would NOT be my most anticipated comics of the week. Picking AV #16 off this list is like asking which of your 10 children do you love the most. Still, Scott Snyder and Rafa Albuquerque’s tale of vampirism on a Japanese occupied Pacific island in WWII was taking some very cool twists toward the end of AV #15 and I’m very eager to see how things begin to resolve themselves. American Vampire should be on everyone’s pull list.
Other Picks: Creepy Comics #6, Detective Comics #878, Scalped #50, Butcher Baker the Righteous Maker #4, The Walking Dead #86, Amazing Spider-Man #664, FF #5, Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6
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