Welcome once again to Shelf Porn, where fans show off their collections of comics, graphic novels, toys and other items. Today’s Shelf Porn was submitted by Tim Barklay, who shows us his great collection and kick ass room from Australia. If you’d like to submit your own Shelf Porn, we could certainly use it — just send a write-ups and jpgs to jkparkin@yahoo.com.
And now here’s Tim.
Hi, my name is Tim Barklay and I’m a High School Chaplain from Moree, NSW, Australia. I’ve been collecting comics for about 6 years and have been working on my Games room/library for about a year now. My collections aren’t huge or impressive, but I’m pretty stoked on the room, including the many self-built elements. as you will see, I really dig building things, and I’m a total nerd. onto the photos!
my games room/library is a converted garage, and would have been the perfect pool room if it weren’t for the two beams in the middle.
my library wall. my next project will be building uniform, modular bookshelves to cover the wall. note the start trek bean bag.
my comics unit. this was the first build for the room, and is basically an old bookcase and an old entertainment unit recycled. my single issue collection is dominated by x-men books – Uncanny, x-men, x-force, x-factor, etc.
title dividers. the agent X issue in the background was purchased purely for the cover – its explicitly implicit.
PVCs on top of my art drawers. front row are marvel superhero squad, then Homestar runner figurines and finally the simpsons.
soft toys, including the set of Star Wars pancakes. also note the lightsaber chopsticks, which are pretty well awesome.
mostly marvel trades. I scored the full set of Asterix comics at a garage sale for $20.
graphic novels. the bottom shelf contains a bunch of 2000ads, art books and games workshop books. some standouts that you may not have read are Street angel by Jim Rugg and Brian Mancura, terry Moore’s Echo, anything by michael Allen Nelson, groom lake, phonogram by Kerion Gillen, Jeff Parker’s underground, Bottomless Belly Button by Dash Shaw, daytripper by Moon and Ba and Jeff Smith’s RASL.
my Cubees from cubeecraft.com. I love these toys. they look great, you get the satisfaction of making them and they’re free.
I don’t have a huge action figure collection, because i mainly just by them when they’re on sale, which isn’t very often. the black and white sin city figures are the exception, just because they are ridiculously good looking.
some of my Games workshop miniatures. I don’t really play, except for the skirmish game Mordheim, but I dig the hobby. I’ve won some local awards, but don’t have the time to paint anything up to national competing standard.
I’m a huge Ramones fan and when I came across this Joey Ramone figure I had to have it.
various posters.
this is the artwork that’s on my corkboard – its a small version of a large, poster I did for my brother-in-Law’s wedding. it’s a portrait of the bride and groom. they say artists are their own worst critics, but I’m actually pretty proud of this piece.
as you’ll see over the rest of the photos, i like to make stuff. often I’ll see something cool in a shop or online and think “I could build that”. in this instance, it’s a TARDIS USB hub.
Hand painted Worf standup and Scratch built R2-D2 rubbish bin. the hardest part was getting his head a perfectly smooth dome. total build cost: $15.
portrait of Joey Ramone. i’d been wanting to play around with charcoals for a while, and Joey was quite a black and white person, both physically and in his personality, so it made sense. I got his neck wrong and tried to fix it, but to no avail.
scratch built NES controller coffee table. this was actually a pretty simple build. total build cost: $24
my latest build and I think my coolest – a digital pinball machine. the playfield monitor is 24″, with a 19″ backglass. the arcade buttons are wired to a kenboard encoder, and the whole thing is run by a computer running pinball emulation software called Visual Pinball and a front end called HyperPin.
Thanks for checking out my collection and please feel free to leave feedback and ask me any questions you may have.
May 14, 2011 @ 02:18 PM by JK ParkinTagged: graphic novels, Send Us Your Shelf Porn, shelf porn, toys, video games
I am really impressed, do you have specs for that nintendo coffee table anywhere?
maniacmattMay 14, 2011 at 2:51 pmWow! Awesome room! I’d love to know how you built the table and R2, if you put up instructions anywhere. Those are fantastic!
demoncatMay 14, 2011 at 3:29 pmlove the coffee table and the other do it your self work you did to make your space your very own. plus the pinball machine is really neat
MattMay 14, 2011 at 4:51 pmFantastic! It looks like a great place to relax and have a lot of fun. I like the comic book section and of course everything else.
Mysterious StrangerMay 14, 2011 at 6:16 pmI really like the word balloon comic dividers. That’s a very creative and visually interesting idea that I’m surprised I haven’t seen before.
EllisonMay 14, 2011 at 9:07 pmIn the 14th picture, what’s the book on the right of Essex County?
JulianMay 14, 2011 at 11:21 pmThis is a truly glorious Sanctum Sanctorum. Is there an instructable for that Pintendo machine?
AaltomuotoMay 14, 2011 at 11:23 pm@Ellison: That’s the Jimmy Corrigan softcover
Ian TaylorMay 15, 2011 at 12:33 amFor those asking about how to build the NES coffee table: http://ultra-awesome.blogspot.com/2008/03/nes-coffee-table.html
Tim BarklayMay 15, 2011 at 1:38 amThanks guys!
@Jeff and Maniac Matt, the coffee table was super easy – the basic structure is a sheet of light-board bolted and braced onto 4 lengths of 4X4, with MDF skirting. the details were made from mdf and pine offcuts. made some stencils for the art and had the whole thing done in three days for about $25. the R2D2 was heaps trickier – the body is a bin with light cardboard decals and paint, the legs were made from pine, the head was paper mache and about 20 layers of watered down and sanded spackling compound. details were just bits and pieces I had lying around.
@Julian – http://www.instructables.com/id/Digital-Pinball-Machine/
@Ian Taylor – mine is no where near as advanced as that!
andrew cMay 15, 2011 at 2:41 amAwesome collection and awesome layout !! well done sir!!
olokinMay 15, 2011 at 7:33 amVery impressive collection.
I really like your comics singles unit, I may copy it. And R2 too!
captainamerica4May 15, 2011 at 5:04 pmSir, that is my summer inspiration. I work at a high school as well and haven’t paid the organization of my collection much attention in awhile. So I think it is time to organize.
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