Welcome to another edition of our weekly Shelf Porn column! Today’s submission comes from Reverend Wallace Ryan, who shares his library or graphic novels, toys and more with us — including the above Captain America jack-in-the-box. You can check out a video of his set-up on Facebook.
If you’d like to see your pictures here one Saturday, we’d love to feature them — just send me an email with a few images and a write-up.
And now let’s hear from Wallace …
I’m from Newfoundland & Labrador, off the east coast of Canada. I’m a cartoonist and comic book instructor(for over 10 years) at the Anna Templeton Centre. I even owned my own comic book store in the early 90′s called “The Daily Planet.” I’m assembling this library to be donated in the future to some worthy institution. I’m a big believer in paper comics as digital just can’t deliver the same experience as a real comic book. Oh and co-founder with Paul Tucker of the Breakdown Comic Jam held every month here in St. John’s…the oldest town in North America.
This library is comprised almost entirely of hardcover collections, archives and graphic novels. I’ve been working on it for almost 17 years. I do allow local comic artists to use it for research only and I use it for my Cartooning & Comics course and for our comic jams.
May 28, 2011 @ 12:00 PM by JK ParkinTagged: captain america, graphic novels, Send Us Your Shelf Porn, shelf porn, toys
AnthonyMay 28, 2011 at 12:38 pmcha-ching!
gMay 28, 2011 at 12:57 pmIt nice too see someone who’s got a lot of books and not a lot of junk statues and such as well.
Randall CyrenneMay 28, 2011 at 1:09 pmWow, veeeerrrry nice. I see we have similar tastes, though I’m a bit behind in my purchases. I love seeing someone else getting into so many classic strips and comics.
vincentMay 28, 2011 at 1:21 pmCool collection of books. I agree that its fun to see a collection that is almost all books and not toys. Not there is anything wrong with toys and statues.
Scott YMay 28, 2011 at 1:33 pmIt’s… beautiful *weeps*
PaulMay 28, 2011 at 2:09 pmI wept openly and uncontrollably.
Seriously, though, this is the most incredible Shelf Porn entry to date. That’s like the Library of Comics Alexandria.
Darryl R.May 28, 2011 at 3:30 pmAn excellent collection but wow, was I really surprised to see this on shelf porn this morning. Not for the comics but because it was Wallace. I know him from way back in the late 80′s/early 90′s. Good guy and a good artist.
BoabieMay 28, 2011 at 3:47 pmAmazing. Easily the best shelf porn entry I’ve seen. Printed material always better than toys and other stuff, much as I love that, too. Could easily lose a few years of my life in that collection.
JamieMay 28, 2011 at 3:59 pmI want that Captain America Jack-in-the-box to add to my collection of “junk.”
timothycatMay 28, 2011 at 4:35 pmWow, almost book for book this is the collection I had until I recently started to disassemble it. Just got too expensive to maintain. So glad to see someone with such a collection who plans to donate it. Awesome job Wallace!!
AcerMay 28, 2011 at 5:39 pmHOW do you afford all of that?????!?!?!!??!??!? I’m serious, what kind of job lets you have the time to get all those thick collections?
Joe HMay 28, 2011 at 7:14 pmAs much as I’d love to have them, those Absolutes are a bit too pricey for me. I’m very impressed though. Lots of stuff I’d love to own. Especially that Incal hardcover. I didn’t learn about THAT until well after it sold out.
Dawnell_doMay 28, 2011 at 8:31 pmCool.
Joseph TagesMay 28, 2011 at 10:48 pmAgreed on paper comics 100%. That library is one heck of a benefit you’ll be leaving for generations ahead.
ArnaudXIIIMay 29, 2011 at 12:01 amGreat collection. Love all those oversized hardcovers!
Dennis RoyMay 29, 2011 at 3:55 amMost impressive. Even if you’re getting these at wholesale, that’s still an impressive pile of $$$. Even more impressive is how neatly you’ve organized these and squeezed them all into such a relatively small space.
Gosh, I hope you’re actually READING these as well and not just hoarding them against the coming apocalypse.
That said, I notice you’ve missed quite a few of the Marvel Masterworks (although the Marvel Omnibus editions ARE nicer, if you have to pick one over the other). Also, I noticed a few DC Archives volumes missing from the set (although still, pretty damn close to complete).
Nice and eclectic too. But what, only one of the five volumes of Popeye that Fantagraphics has published so far?
And just think about how big this collection would be if you’d been assembling these since the mid-to-late 1980s. You did miss some good stuff in there that’s now out of print and hard to find.
Still and all, probably more impressive than mine. Certainly a lot neater.
MortenMay 29, 2011 at 6:57 amI’mpressive percentage of hardcovers. I live in Norway where we are lucky if we get the cheap trade paperbacks.
BjarkeMay 29, 2011 at 8:06 amHaha, I live in Denmark, we’re even worse off than Norway at the moment.
All our magazines has been cancelled, this includes even Spider-Man,
which is the best selling superhero comic we’ve ever had.
Extremely nice collection, as some other people poined out,
one could easely lose a couple of years in your library.
Sounds great that you let people use it for a research purpose,
and that your donating it once you leave this life.
I got that Cap jack-in-the-box on ebay a couple years ago for about $15. Was very happy to get it. It’s one of four toys I have on my bookshelves (w/ Marvel Legends 12″ Cap, B-A-F MODOK, and a Mighty Muggs Cap). Glad to see another one on display!
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